Quality of Life Country Ranking 2022

The Quality of Life index

One of the most comprehensive equations is Quality of Life Index, which measures eight indices: purchasing power (including rent), safety, health care, cost of living, property price to income ratio, traffic commute time, pollution, and climate. Purchasing power, cost of living, and property price to income ratio are all measures of the average citizen’s financial wherewithal in a country, which connects directly to the standard of living. Traffic Commute Time is self-explanatory but vital (as any commuter will testify).

The safety index covers concerns about robberies, car theft, and other crimes, as well as the prevalence of drugs, property crime, violent crimes, and corruption and bribery. The health care index estimates the overall quality of the health care system, starting with costs to the patient and moving on to quality of care, equipment, doctors, and staff. The pollution index estimates the overall pollution in the country. Air pollution is given the most significant weight, followed by water pollution and accessibility to clean water. The climate index is the climate likability of a given country. Countries with a climate index of 100 have moderate temperatures, low humidity, and no significant weather events or conditions. Based on these indices, the top of the list breaks down as follows:

Top 10 Countries with the Highest Quality of Life

  1. Switzerland – 188.36
  2. Denmark – 186.25
  3. Netherlands – 180.27
  4. Finland – 178.95
  5. Australia – 178.41
  6. Iceland – 177.64
  7. Austria – 176.36
  8. Germany – 175.24
  9. New Zealand – 173.60
  10. Luxembourg – 171.81

The U.S. News and World Report’s annual “Best Countries Report”, assembled in partnership with the BAV Group and The Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania, uses detailed surveys to track a similar, but different set of indicators. These include affordability, safety, the job market, level of income equality, economic and political stability, and the quality of public education and health systems.

Standard of Living by Country | Quality of Life by Country 2022

Country QoL – Numbeo QoL – US News QoL – CEO World HDI – UN
Switzerland 188.36 5 94.4 0.955
Denmark 186.25 2 98.13 0.94
Netherlands 180.27 7 93.69 0.944
Finland 178.95 8 99.06 0.938
Australia 178.41 6 88.23 0.944
Iceland 177.64 84.96 0.949
Austria 176.36 11 88.52 0.922
Germany 175.24 9 91.26 0.947
New Zealand 173.6 10 86.02 0.931
Luxembourg 171.81 85.08 0.916
Norway 171.72 4 96.75 0.957
Estonia 171.16 48 82.87 0.892
Sweden 170.19 3 96.15 0.945
Oman 168.82 70 76.32 0.813
Slovenia 165.74 54 76.77 0.917
Japan 164.06 13 91.23 0.919
United States 163.6 20 89.11 0.926
Spain 163.48 19 87.62 0.904
Lithuania 160.29 56 77.55 0.882
Portugal 159.83 21 86.38 0.864
Canada 157.25 1 90.3 0.929
United Arab Emirates 156.94 24 83.79 0.89
United Kingdom 156.94 14 90.68 0.932
Croatia 155.41 37 80.11 0.851
France 153.6 17 92.08 0.901
Qatar 151.48 34 82.24 0.848
Ireland 150.54 15 87.76 0.955
Belgium 148.18 12 96.53 0.931
Slovakia 147.09 46 81.08 0.86
Latvia 146.8 50 80.68 0.866
Singapore 146.48 16 87.64 0.938
Cyprus 146.08 83.39 0.887
Saudi Arabia 144.69 33 77.75 0.854
Israel 143.65 36 84.43 0.919
Italy 137.77 22 86.85 0.892
Hungary 134.54 30 83.26 0.854
South Africa 131.37 77.94 0.709
Romania 130.86 44 79.08 0.828
Greece 127.96 26 83.39 0.888
Poland 127.79 25 81.82 0.88
Bulgaria 126.88 42 79.46 0.816
South Korea 124.73 18 89.67 0.916
Turkey 124.19 40 78.72 0.82
Uruguay 122.42 55 76.56 0.817
Costa Rica 120.42 76.46 0.81
Mexico 119.82 41 81.46 0.779
Serbia 117 74 74.13 0.806
Georgia 116.62 68.73 0.812
Ecuador 116.27 65 75.52 0.759
Malaysia 115.02 28 82.34 0.81
Kuwait 113.67 79.39 0.806
Jordan 112.28 68 71.15 0.729
Panama 111.13 62 77.95 0.815
North Macedonia 108.25 72.02 0.774
Ukraine 107.8 61 78.86 0.779
Belarus 107.15 72 76.46 0.823
Morocco 105.04 47 79.69 0.686
Brazil 104.7 52 82.38 0.765
Argentina 104.31 59 81.93 0.845
China 103.16 23 82.8 0.761
India 103 38 82.95 0.645
Pakistan 102.15 57.18 0.557
Colombia 102.02 60 77.16 0.767
Azerbaijan 101.41 73 71.01 0.756
Thailand 100.3 29 82.69 0.777
Russia 97.91 31 82.06 0.824
Chile 97.27 43 77.42 0.851
Hong Kong 96.1 84.64 0.949
Kazakhstan 94.25 71 75.45 0.825
Indonesia 90.15 35 78.86 0.718
Vietnam 88.9 32 78.49 0.704
Egypt 87.21 51 77.28 0.707
Peru 81.29 57 78.77 0.777
Philippines 78.12 39 82.48 0.718
Kenya 76.92 69 74.8 0.601
Sri Lanka 75.52 58 73.16 0.782
Bangladesh 64.54 77.22 0.632
Iran 63.6 73.08 0.783
Nigeria 54.71 75.49 0.539
Palau 0.826
Liechtenstein 84.75 0.919
Saint Kitts And Nevis 0.779
Marshall Islands 0.704
Dominica 34.19 0.742
Andorra 0.868
Seychelles 34.74 0.796
Antigua And Barbuda 0.778
Tonga 0.725
Saint Vincent And the Grenadines 0.738
Grenada 0.779
Micronesia 0.62
Kiribati 0.63
Saint Lucia 0.759
Samoa 0.715
Sao Tome And Principe 0.625
Barbados 0.814
Vanuatu 0.609
Bahamas 0.814
Belize 34.78 0.716
Malta 83.04 0.895
Maldives 67.65 0.74
Suriname 36.65 0.738
Montenegro 38.56 0.829
Solomon Islands 0.567
Bhutan 80.78 0.654
Guyana 37.56 0.682
Comoros 33.14 0.554
Fiji 0.743
Djibouti 35.39 0.524
Eswatini 37.77 0.611
Mauritius 72.95 0.804
Timor Leste 0.606
Trinidad And Tobago 0.796
Equatorial Guinea 56.8 0.592
Bahrain 76.76 0.852
Guinea Bissau 0.48
Lesotho 0.527
Gabon 68.06 0.703
Botswana 68.58 0.735
Gambia 34.74 0.496
Namibia 62.25 0.646
Albania 68.96 0.795
Armenia 61.62 0.776
Jamaica 65.01 0.734
Bosnia And Herzegovina 0.78
Mongolia 63.84 0.737
Eritrea 43.95 0.459
Moldova 72.03 0.75
Mauritania 38.08 0.546
Central African Republic 35.13 0.397
Liberia 35.61 0.48
Palestine 0.708
Turkmenistan 70.55 0.715
El Salvador 75 68.99 0.673
Lebanon 77 76.77 0.744
Kyrgyzstan 44.81 0.697
Nicaragua 0.66
Libya 70.31 0.724
Paraguay 73.59 0.728
Laos 0.613
Sierra Leone 37.3 0.452
Togo 40.95 0.515
Papua New Guinea 0.555
Tajikistan 41.6 0.668
Honduras 0.634
Dominican Republic 53 0.756
Cuba 72.74 0.783
South Sudan 35.52 0.433
Haiti 46.91 0.51
Bolivia 0.718
Tunisia 66 79.54 0.74
Burundi 36.55 0.433
Benin 53.41 0.545
Rwanda 51.26 0.543
Guinea 60.96 0.477
Zimbabwe 70.64 0.571
Cambodia 49 69.18 0.594
Chad 58.23 0.398
Senegal 0.512
Guatemala 64 74.11 0.663
Syria 31.55 0.567
Zambia 0.584
Malawi 42.25 0.483
Mali 68.09 0.434
Burkina Faso 64.42 0.452
Niger 49.43 0.394
Ivory Coast 70.14 0.538
Cameroon 70.61 0.563
Madagascar 59.95 0.528
Venezuela 73.66 0.711
Nepal 75.66 0.602
Yemen 69.43 0.47
Ghana 72.03 0.611
Mozambique 64.71 0.456
Uzbekistan 76 74.79 0.72
Angola 72.57 0.581
Afghanistan 68.5 0.511
Iraq 78 74.89 0.674
Algeria 80.96 0.748
Sudan 31.67 0.51
Uganda 73.21 0.544
Myanmar 67 71.38 0.583
Tanzania 75.11 0.529
DR Congo 70.36 0.48
Ethiopia 73.05 0.485

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